Become a change-maker today in just 5 minutes. Starting a campaign has never been easier.

Step 1.

See that millions of children around the world don’t have access to education, and decide to help.

It only takes a minute to set up a campaign. Click on the button below, scroll down and look for the “I want to Fundraise For This” button under the main campaign photo to get started.

Step 2.

Spread the word about your fundraiser and ask your friends to give.

Once your campaign is set up, tell everyone about it. Post to social media, send out e-mails and make the most of word of mouth. The more people you tell, the quicker you’ll reach your goal. Before you know it you’ll be well on your way towards making a huge difference in someone else’s life!

Step 3.

See exactly where your money goes and who it helps.

After your campaign is over, we’ll send 100% of what you raise directly into our community. We’ll keep track of where it goes. Then, we’ll report back to you with info about the actual people your money helps.

10 Social Fundraising Tips To Make Sure Your Campaign is a Success

  1. Set a fundraising goal that is achievable.  You want to set your supporters up for success.

  2. Enhance story telling by grabbing photos and media from our website, Instagram account @riseup_malawi and YouTube channel Make sure you take the time to read up on and familiarize yourself with our programs so you can answer any questions supporters might ask you.

  3. Make the first donation your own.  This kickstarts your fundraiser and captures people attention.

  4. Be organized. Make a list of potential supporters and how you are going to connect with them. This might be by email, phone call, in person conversation or social media.

  5. Communicate the why. Make sure you clearly communicate to your supporters why you are supporting RiseUp. This should be personal, don’t be afraid to share.

  6. Use all your social media channels. Social media is a powerful tool for fundraising. Make sure to read up on FB and Instagram fundraising tools (resources below). You’ll be pleasantly surprised who comes out of the woodwork to give!  And make sure to tag, tag and then tag some more!

  7. Follow-up with a text or phone call. If you send out an email or post to social, make sure you follow-up with every potential supporter. We live in a world of information overload, so often it’s not the case that someone didn’t want to give, it’s that they didn’t see your email in their overcrowded inbox or your post didn’t fit the FB algorithm to pop up on their feed. That being said, make sure your follow-up is spaced out and thoughtful. We don’t want you stalking people to give!

  8. Celebrate every gift and don’t get down on yourself if the process is slower than anticipated.  Stay focused on those who want to give and let go of those who don’t!

  9. Make sure to say thank you.  Thank you’s are critical in acknowledging supporters and their financial sacrifices to give.  There are so many worthy causes out there- when someone chooses to support you and the cause closest to your heart, make sure to express your gratefulness.

  10. Have fun. Fundraising is about finding a cause that stirs your heart to share joyfully and not under pressure to perform. Whether you raise $50 or $500 does not reflect on you. What matters is that you took action, spoke up, and hopefully learned a new skill or two along the way.